May it be a prosperous and interesting year for both authors and readers!
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eBook owners report they are reading 56% more than when they only read paper books. This is excellent news for authors.
Help replenish the many trees we use by giving trees as a living gift. has a lot of wonderful ideas and gift packages.
Chairman Markus Dohle, of Random House Publishing, is pleased with the success of the company’s rapidly expanding digital sales which are expected to be up 250% in 2010. Established publishers are going digital to survive and thrive.
The main digital printers include: Amazon, ColorCentric, IBT (Integarated Book Technology) and Light Source. If Barnes & Noble can find a secure financial footing, they may also be a major contender. These players could eliminate the need for large bookstores by delivering a POD book directly to the consumer.
There are currently 152 different eReader formats, but 4 main ones: iPad, Kindle, Sony and Nook. It will be interesting to see if technology will eventually bring eBooks into one universal format.
JK Rowling has sold 400 million books in 69 languages in 200 countries. Unfortunately, she has been unwilling to embrace the eBook format. Her popularity has meant thousands of trees have been used. Hopefully in the future books for children will also leave them with a better earth as well.
Google has scanned 5.2 million books from 1500 to 2008. Although this has preserved many out-of-print books, it brings into question the copyrights of the newer books. Copyrighting is being forced to change in the wake of ePublishing. Be careful what you allow for "Take a look inside". You can choose the content.
"The Art of the Handwritten Note" by Margaret Shepherd is still valid in our electronic world. It is possible to get your own handwriting translated into a custom font. Handwriting conveys personality and emotion. Consider how your writing style differs when typed vs written.
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July 2015